Details of PEHS program
Understand the basics principles of ROI on business health and wellness programs PEHS presentation
Employee needs survey is the next step to launch a new health and wellness program. It helps to engage employees and get employee feed back on exact needs. Employee-interest-survey
PEHS programs include Corporate wellness program planning (20 hours included.) Hourly rate applys to further support $120/hr), HR training and health and wellness launch calendar will help guide the overall program for the year. Click here to see PEHS Sample Wellness program launch, Calendar for the year
PEHS Health risk assessment/HRA is accessible online 24 hours a day/365 Click to Take the demo HRA Here is the Login ID: Health Password:Wellness Employees can take HRA in private and download results any time anywhere . Click here to see example of Employee HRA Results (Sample PDF) Key Note: This is great for peoples overall privacy also enables employees to get information to help start making healthy lifestyle changes.
You get a professional assessment of your HRA executive report. Click example to see HIPPA Certified Executive Summary Report This will give you a snap shot of your baseline and overall company health and high risk factors; which enables us to design a program specific to your company’s employee needs.(All of this information is aggregate and HIPPA certified so there will be no personal information attached)
Continued support for HR on how to run the program(s) and support via email/phone.
Branded Company wellness program materials.
Branded wellness program materials.
Branded wellness program materials.
wellness program branded materials help to keep employees on track to make daily changes with subtle positive reminders.
Includes one year of wellness news letters that target your company’s needs for email distribution Click to see an example Health and wellness news letter
A la Cart PEHS Service options:
HRA online health risk assessment 24/7
Health and wellness news letters
On-site lunch and Learns over various health topics.
On-site massage
On-site Yoga
On-site acupuncture
Many other onsite or off site “Team Building Activities”
Stress reduction programs
Nutritional guidance
Daily stretching routine
At home or travel workout
Cardiovascular prescription
Corp. Membership with local gym
Womens fitness classes